2021 – Commercial Sealer Workshops
Update: March 10 2021
2021 Personal Use Sealer Workshops
DFO will be delivering online Humane Harvesting Workshops for persons interested in obtaining a Personal Use Seal licence.
Workshops will be delivered virtually/online using Zoom. This will be the only option for Humane Harvesting Workshop delivery this year. Sessions will be approximately 1 hour.
The workshop is available at no cost, and participants will need the following information:
• Valid photo ID
• Valid FAC or Hunter’s Capability card
Registered participants will be sent an email confirming the date and time, and a Zoom link to join the online session.
To pre-register, submit an email request to: sealhumaneharvestingnl@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
The Professional Fish Harvesters Certification Board (PFHCB) will be delivering Humane Harvesting Workshops virtually/online beginning the week of March 15th.
Workshops will be delivered virtually/online using Zoom. This will be the only option for Humane Harvesting Workshop delivery this year. Sessions will be approximately 2 hours.
An email address and photo ID, along with the $50 registration fee, MUST be received with the completed pre-registration form. Registered participants will be sent an email confirming the date and time, and a Zoom link to join the online session.
To pre-register, contact the PFHCB at 709-722-8170 or jcutler@pfhcb.com.