Please support an important fundraiser for the Sealers Memorial 5th Annual Online Auction from Nov 3 – 7 where they have great items going up for bids. Funds for this auction will help support the operation & maintenance of the Sealers Memorial Interpretation Center in Elliston.
The Auction will be Open for Bids on Thursday, November 3rd at 9 AM, and will be Closed to Bids on Monday, November 7th at 12pm.
• Any Bids received prior to 9am or after 11:59:59am will not be accepted.
• Bids must increase by $1.00 increments, minimum.
• Winners will be tagged and/or contacted once bidding has been closed and bids have been reviewed.
• Payment for items won must be received within 24 hours of winner being tagged and/or contacted.
• Items not paid for within the 24 hour time frame will go to the next highest bidder.
This will continue until payment is received.