Archival Moments, a valuable local archival project, undertaken by Larry Dohey, documents historical events in Newfoundland and Labrador including many excellent papers on the sealing industry. In this item, for example, “No Tidings of the Southern Cross” we are reminded of the anxious moments felt by the population when the ship S.S. Southern Cross failed to return to port after last been spotted by Captain T. Connors of the Coastal S.S. Portia passed the Southern Cross five miles W.S.W. of Cape Pine on April 2, 2014.
On this day, April 7, 1914, the St. John’s daily newspaper the Evening Telegram reported:
“Much anxiety and grave concern is being felt for the Southern Cross. Her non arrival is causing universal alarm but there is no reason why hope should be abandoned.”
Read more from Archival Moments here