The current ongoing EU seal import ban is “causing more harm than good”, says Swedish scientist and researcher Sven-Gunnar Lunneryd. He says increased seal populations are causing depleted fish stocks and after 15 years it is time to lift the import ban. Mr. Lunneryd’s research shows that in the Baltic Sea, where the grey seal population has recently increased rapidly, they are having a negative impact on coastal fisheries and communities in the region.
Danita Catherine Burke is the author of the book, Cultural Violence, Stigma and the Legacy of the Anti-Sealing Movement and researches the negative impact caused by the anti-sealing movement on the seal harvest. She told CBC news that Canada is in a good bargaining position right now with the EU: “Newfoundland and Labrador is such a unique place with all of this wind energy talk for the first time, and as long as I can remember we have leverage with the European Union and the European market,”
Full article is here from CBC NL