Quebec: –  November 15, 2013: () –

While the seal hunt in Quebec continues to be criticized on the international stage, the government of Quebec is still planning to promote and support the hunt in an effort to reinvent the image and to subdue it’s critics.

Quebec has accorded $56,000 to the seal hunters organization to create a travelling exhibition which will hopefully inform the public that the hunt is not as cruel as some may think. Critics like Brigitte Bardot, Paul McCartney, and Pamela Anderson have given a bad name to the industry which has affected sales of sealskins, especially in Europe where the EU has banned all seal products.

The Seal Hunters Association would like the world to know that seals are not an endangered species, and that there are about 8 million seals that enter the gulf coast of Quebec and Newfoundland every spring. The total “kill” these days is approximately 90,000 calves which is not a large number compared to the number of seals entering coastal waterways. Full story here