Happy to report that Treats From The Sea also known as Kindens Fresh is Best Ltd. from Lewisporte has a truck on the waterfront in St. John’s so if you are local or visiting the city and want to try some seal flippers drop by Thursday’s between 10-6 on the waterfront.
They also accept orders from anywhere in Canada. Call 709-541-1347 or 709-535-8811 after hours to place an order and get all the info needed. Orders are processed for delivery and shipped via Air Canada cargo.
Treats From The Sea
Kindens Fresh is Best Ltd.
Seasonal shipping of seal meat to Canada
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KindensTreatsFromTheSea/
Phone: (709) 541-1086 (Fish Truck)
(709) 541-1347 Lobster Pool, Lewsiporte April – September 10am – 8 pm
Email: treatsfromthesea@hotmail.com
In St. John’s: Thursdays. 10-6 on the waterfront (summer)