Obituary: Mark Small 1940 – 2024
The Canadian Sealers Association has lost one of its major figures with the death of past president Mark Small. To show respect for Mark's contributions to the CSA, our [...]
Min. Lebouthillier gives hope for finding new seal markets (Audio)
Federal fisheries minister Diane Lebouthillier meets with Qalipu interim chief Jenny Brake and Always In Vogue owner Darren Halloran, Carino and Arn-Oilean Resources met yesterday "providing some hope for [...]
Latest DFO study: Only 4.7 million seals? (Text and Audio)
The number of North Atlantic Harp seals is down to 4.7 million from 7.6 million says former DFO scientist Mike Hammill. Extract from Research Document "Estimating Abundance of Northwest [...]
Opinions: Industry experts on the recent St. John’s EU – Canada Summit
Listen to Doug talk with Paula Gayle of The Broadcast on CBCNL radio here "Those laws are based on propaganda," said Jim Winter, founding president of the Canadian Sealers [...]
EU leaders Summit St. John’s: The Sound of Silence
CSA members and supporters of our industry for a sustainable seal hunt say they are mystified that there is a EU leaders Summit in St. John's today between our [...]
FFAW Launches Seal Research Initiative (PR and Audio)
September 27, 2023 (FFAW Press Release) Earlier this month, the federal government announced funding for several seal and sea lion research projects across Canada, of which FFAW-Unifor was a [...]
Marketing Seal Products Across Canada but banned on Esty
Senator Fabian Manning, Chair for the Senate Committee on Fisheries and Oceans, says the growing seal population, which is reported to top eight million, is having a direct and [...]
Funding for new seal research studies announced
Coastal and Indigenous communities rely on healthy ecosystems and sustainably managed fisheries for their livelihood. Collaborating with external partners from Indigenous groups and industry on science projects is key [...]
Inuit women put on summer sealskin boots making workshops
This summer in Nain, workshops are being hosted to preserve a traditional way of crafting sealskin boots that the Inuit have used for generations. Friends Kimberly Pilgrim and Veronica [...]
National Seal Products Day
Tuesday, May 16 is National Seal Products Day and it will be celebrated on Parliament Hill Ottawa. National Seal Products Day is celebrated annually during the month of May [...]