January 25th, 2017

“In the first weekend, it was so popular we actually ran out of seal loin in 3 days!  Don’t worry – more is arriving tomorrow morning and we still have lots of the pasta left!”      Vancouver chef Eric Pateman

We welcomed the news this month that the popular Vancouver restaurant Edible Canada will be offering it’s own culinary take on east coast seal meat in a new dish they call seal pappardelle. Chef Eric Pateman thinks seal meat is important because not only for it’s nutritious protein value but also for it’s historical links to Canada. So it’s no better a time to serve this dish now when Canada is celebrating it’s very own 150th birthday in 2017 as highlighted on Dine Out Vancouver’s list of fine eating in Canada. Mr. Pateman said he was grateful to Carino Inc. from Newfoundland for sending out the frozen seal meat. Below is an interview he gave to The Broadcast, a local CBC radio show.

Video interview (NTV News) Click here

Pateman says his seal dish “Newfoundland seal pappardelle” is also spiced with cinnamon and cloves. Pateman also said he will be coming to Newfoundland to observe the seal harvest. We look forward to his arrival.

Visit Edible Canada for fine dining if you are in Vancouver to sample their seal cuisine.


Seal meat sales have increased dramatically after animal rights activists launched a failed cyber attack on the Vancouver restaurant “Edible Canada at the Market”.  Read full interview here

CBC.ca – Seal meat may turn some stomachs, but Inuit country food is smart
‘We eat what we know. We like to eat the things we grew up with’